Most new articles will be available to premium memebers only.


Thank you for all the wonderful feedback you have sent me so far.It is truly humbling that my work has been so well received and it drives me to grind even harder.

The amount of noise, narratives and frankly nonsense retail investors are faced with every day is deafening. 95% of Wall Street is in the business of selling you stock!I want to try and help you filter through all of this, present to you the underlying data and help you find the most important signals.

This project is still in its infancy and over the next few years, I plan on improving the content and expanding the offering.The next addition I plan is a once a quarter presentation where I contextualise the macro environment in great detail and evaluate the risks and opportunities that lie ahead.

The time has come for most of my work to become available to Premium Members only.

By joining, I hope you will not only continue to learn and gain valuable market insights, but you will also be supporting me in improving this project, by allowing me to acquire better data, which I can ultimately analyse and share with you.

I like to think of being an investor or trader as like being a craftsman, and just like any good craftsman you need tolls, the more the better. With your help we can access better tools.

As anticipated the Premium Subscription will be15$ per month120$ per year (-33% discount) until BlackFriday Nov 24th, then 150$ per year(-20% discount)New subscribers will get one week's free trial.

You can upgrade using the link bellow

Starting Sunday most articles will be available to premium members only.

A lot of new people signed up this weekend so I have decided to make this Thursday's article available to everyone, so all recent subs get at least 1 week's worth of content.

All the articles published so far will remain free and open to all

If you do not wish to upgrade then by all means stay subscribed, I will be making The Review open to all, plus the occasional Macro Note. The Review is an article I write about once a month where I go over a book or paper which I have found particularly useful and insightful as a market practitioner.

If you have any issues reach out to me at [email protected]

Thanks again to all,We have a bear market to beat and a bull market to prepare for,Onwards and Upwards,


I am not a Financial Advisor & this is not financial adviceNone of the information or content shared via the Strictly Macro Newsletter constitutes investment, trading or other advice, nor an endorsement or recommendation of any financial instrument whatsoever. Investing and trading of any kind involves risk with no guarantee of return. This newsletter is for general information purposes only and is not tailored to any individuals’ personal needs or risk parameters. Reference to a security’s past performance should not be construed as guarantee of future returns. Unless otherwise stated all views are those of the author at the time of writing and can be subject to change without notice. Reasonable care has been taken to ensure that all information provided is true and reliable, however Strictly Macro does not assume responsibility for any error or omission. None of the authors of this newsletter are registered as securities broker-dealers or investment advisors either with the FCA, the SEC, CFTC or with any other regulatory authority. Do your own research and seek professional consultation before making any investment decision.